Scholarships - be sure to check often as new info is regularly added
Need a Reference Letter for a scholarship, bursary or award from a teacher or coach here at MMR? Please use this template to organize your personal information.
Check this HDSB scholarship website for regional information about a wide variety of awards, bursaries and scholarships :
Halton Learning Foundation Scholarships
Please see the link below for information about scholarships that are available through the Halton Learning Foundation.
All applications are to be submitted on
Applications open between February and April.
UPDATED Resources and Information
Sharing some excellent resources - see links below. In some cases you may need to create an account to access the application information. The is a ton of information linked in these web pages so be sure to spend some time exploring!!
Queen’s University Major Entrance Scholarship and Awards
Are you planning to apply to Queen’s University Major Entrance Scholarship and Awards? The Chancellor’s Major Entrance Award does require a separate application and a nomination from the high school. Students interested in applying for the Queen’s Chancellor’s Award will need to complete the PRACTICE application linked and submit it to Mrs. Francis in Guidance by 4pm on November 30th to be considered as a School Nominee.
Who May Apply?
Applicants who demonstrate creative and original thinking, involvement in school or community activities, and proven leadership qualities can apply for a major entrance award when entering Queen’s University. Financial need is also a consideration for some of Queen’s major entrance awards.
When to Apply?
All Queen’s University Major Entrance Scholarship applications are due in SOLUS no later than (tbd)
**Be sure to apply for admission to Queen’s via the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) by no later than November 20 to ensure that you gain access to SOLUS to submit your Major Admission Awards (MAA) application prior to December 8. Only School sponsored students may apply through SOLUS. It takes 4-6 business days to receive your SOLUS log in from the date you applied to Queen's University. Two nominees per school are permitted.
See Mrs. Baxter in Guidance if you have questions or need help.
TD Scholarships for Community Leadership
Are you a student in your final year of high school? Have you shown a commitment to making a positive difference in your community? You may be eligible for a TD Scholarship for Community Leadership valued at up to $70,000 over 4 years towards a post-secondary college or university education.
See link for more info and application details

Loran Scholarship
Info for 2024-25 Coming Soon!!