Regional Pathways
Skilled Trades At MMR
The Skilled Trades At MMR can be found in the following areas in each of the 4 sectors:
Hospitality & Tourism
Programs Throughout HDSB
Dual Credits (DC)- See Guidance Counsellor
What Is It??
Focused Apprenticeship Skills Training (FAST) is an accelerated stream within OYAP (“OYAP-FAST”)
Will allow students in Gr 11 & 12 to participate in more apprenticeship learning through additional co-operative education credits while completing their OSSD
How Do You Qualify??
students must:
Be 15 years or older
Have completed 14 credits toward the OSSD
Is a part-time or full-time student in a secondary school or continuing education program
Has completed an OYAP Participation Form
Have signed parent/guardian consent to participate in OYAP-FAST (coming soon)
Completion requirements & Outcomes for OYAP-FAST include:
Earned 8 to 11 co-op credits with their placement component in the skilled trades
Become registered as an apprentice by the time the 8th coop credit is complete
OYAP-FAST seal on their OSSD
OYAP-FAST will be listed in the Specialized Program field of the Ontario Student Transcript (OST)