Secondary Gifted Placement

Welcome to the Secondary Gifted Placement at MMR

In the Gifted Program at MMR we are proud to offer the Ontario Curriculum in clustered classes that can be differentiated in breadth, depth and pace. We know there is no “one size fits all” approach to Gifted programming. These students often need different, not more. Regular windows of inquiry allow for students to go deeper (or seemingly off track) and are far more beneficial than “adding on”. Students will be encouraged to go beyond what is offered when they are inspired (and they will be).

All students who are identified as Gifted by the Halton District School Board's Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) have access to a range of placements according to their needs. Secondary Gifted Placement (SGP) is one of those placements for gifted students in Halton.

This placement provides gifted students at the secondary level with the opportunity to be in gifted 'clustered' classes, grouped together with their peers. The curriculum in these classes can be differentiated in breadth, depth and pace from the curriculum being offered in the other sections of the same course.

Gifted Cluster Course Offerings

Gifted Program at MMR