Our Team
2024-2025 School Year
Mrs. Nicole Hagley (she/her)
Head of Guidance, Career Education, Co-op and ESL
(alpha A-L)
Book an appointment:
Ms. Joy Baxter
Guidance Counsellor
(alpha M-Z)
Book an appointment:
Ms. Laura Wright
Guidance Counsellor
(Regional Programs - DC/OYAP/SHSM)
Student Success & Special Education (SERT)
Book an appointment:
Ms. Melinda Dougan
Social Worker
Book an appointment through email, or in person
For community supports in Halton please click on this link
Mr. Peter Clark
Student Success & Self Paced Learning (SPL)
Student Success Lead
Mrs. Richelle Slusarczyn
Student Success, Self Paced Learning (SPL) & English Teacher
Co-operative Education Department
Ms. Rose Manzella (she/her) manzellar@hdsb.ca - Co-op teacher
Ms. Kathy Vukoje (she/her) vukojek@hdsb.ca - Co-op teacher
Mr. Carlo Crechiola (he/him) crechiolac@hdsb.ca - Co-op teacher &
Electrical Regional Programs (DC/OYAP/SHSM)